Changes to Terveystalo's phone numbers from 3.1.2024

Some of Terveystalo's phone numbers will change from 3.1.2024. The change is due to a change in the law related to communication, which aims to clarify the pricing of different numbers.

The changes concern the general customer service and appointment number, the business customer service number, the billing enquiry number for occupational health services and the crisis support organisation number.

  • The general customer service and appointment number 030 6000 becomes 0900 30 000
  • The business customer service number 030 633 9529 becomes 0900 30 010 (this number is only for corporate customers, no appointment booking)
  • The number for the billing enquiry service for occupational health services 030 633 9690 becomes 0900 30 020
  • The organisation number for crisis support for first responders 030 633 9626 becomes 0900 30 100

The price of a call to these numbers is 8.35 cents per call + 19.33 cents/min. There is a charge for queuing. In addition to the price of the call, the caller will also be charged a mobile or local network charge in accordance with the tariff of his/her telephone operator, unless otherwise agreed.

The new customer service and appointment number 0900 30 000 will be available as of 20.12.2023

We encourage our customers to update their internal communication channels with the new customer service and appointment number as soon as possible. The new and the current number will coexist from 20.12.2023 until 3.1.2024. After that date, when calling 030 6000, customers will receive a message asking them to call the new number 0900 30 000. There will be no automatic call forwarding from the current number to the new one.

We will continue to serve customers by telephone as before. Appointments can also be made easily 24 hours a day on our website and in the Terveystalo app. The number change is therefore a good opportunity to remind people of the smoothness of their transactions in the Terveystalo app and online service," says Ulla Saarenoksa, Customer Relationship Manager.

Updated Dec 28, 2023 the price related information