Patient Ombudsperson
Patient ombudsperson
In order to promote the realization of the rights and legal protection of the patient, and of the social services and early childhood education and care customers, patient ombudspersons and social services ombudspersons are appointed in healthcare and social services (Act on Patient Ombudspersons and Social Services Ombudspersons 739/2023). The provisions of this Act that apply to wellbeing services counties also apply to the City of Helsinki and HUS.
The wellbeing services counties and the City of Helsinki are responsible for patient ombudsperson and social services ombudsperson activities also when it comes to private service providers. If you need the help or advice of a patient ombudsperson, please contact your wellbeing services county’s or the City of Helsinki’s patient ombudsperson.
Before you contact the patient ombudsperson
If you have any questions about your treatment or you are dissatisfied with your treatment and/or the way you have been treated, we recommend contacting the person who provided the treatment or their supervisor first. Open discussion often helps to clear up any misunderstandings and correct any deficiencies immediately, and no further action will be necessary.
The Terveystalo clinic and/or the person who treated you can best be contacted by calling our customer service at 045 7734 9974 or 0900 0300. Alternatively, you can give us feedback by filling out the customer service form. The matter will be discussed at the clinic where you were treated. Feedback and inquiries about invoicing from private individuals Send your feedback or inquiry using the form.
Healthcare objections and complaints
According to the Act on the Status and Rights of Patients (785/1992), a patient who is not satisfied with the healthcare or medical care they have received or the way they have been treated in connection with it has the right to submit an objection on the matter to the healthcare unit in question. If the patient is unable to submit an objection by themselves, the objection can be submitted by their legal representative or family member. Learn more about healthcare objections and complaints on the Valvira website. Complaints should be made directly to the Regional State Administrative Agency or Valvira.
Social services objections and complaints
A social services customer has the right to submit an objection or a complaint about the social welfare services they have received (Social Welfare Act 1100/2014). Before submitting an objection or a complaint, it is advisable to clarify the matter by providing feedback to the unit that provided the social services, where any deficiencies or errors in the matter can be resolved. Learn more about social services objections and complaints on the Valvira website. Complaints should be submitted to the Regional State Administrative Agency or Valvira.
Submit a healthcare or social services objection
Notice of injury
The patient has the right to file a notice of injury with the Patient Insurance Centre (PIC) if there is a suspicion of patient injury or medical malpractice. In that case, the issue is investigated and
resolved by the PIC. Wellbeing services county`s Patient Ombudsperson provides advice on filing a notice of injury.