Quality and Sustainability

Sustainability reporting and documents

Terveystalo's sustainability reporting is prepared with reference to the GRI Standards -reporting guidelines. Terveystalo also reports to several external sustainbility surveys and ratings, which makes it easier for stakeholders to assess Terveystalo' s sustainability achievements.

Third parties regularly assess the sustainability of Terveystalo's business with various sustainability indicators. We are involved in the following evaluations, among others:


Terveystalo has received the ISS ESG Prime sustainability rating. This means we meet the high sustainability standards of ISS ESG in our industry and we are in the top 10 percent globally in the ISS ESG Prime rating framework. Our scores were better than average particularly in the areas of quality, patient safety, employee relations, and the working environment.




In 2023, Terveystalo completed the CDP (formerly the Carbon Disclosure Project) comprehensive climate assessment for the third time and was awarded a rating of C.


Upright Project

In 2021, Terveystalo received a rating of AA+ (Excellent+) in the Upright Project’s assessment of the company’s net impact on society. Net impact refers to the difference between positive and negative impacts that is the comprehensive net value creation of companies.

Upright project rating.png

Global Compact

Terveystalo has published its sustainability commitments and is committed to the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, the conventions of the International Labour Organisation (ILO) and the Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact, according to which Terveystalo promotes health and well-being, human rights, labour rights, environmental action and anti-corruption efforts.

Terveystalo is a member of the Finnish corporate responsibility network FIBS and an official partner of Helsinki Pride.


Sustainability documents

Quality certificates