Customer service and appointments
Appointments and contacts to offices and practicing experts.
+358 (0)900 30 000Calls cost 8.35 cents/call + 19.33 cents/minute + mobile call charge or local network charge. Queuing is subject to charge.
- Corporate Health Services
- Public Services
Group Management / Headquarters
Terveystalo headquarters (Piazza) address:
Jaakonkatu 3 A, 6th floor, 00100 Helsinki
Clinical Quality and Management
Please contact us at +358 (0)30 63 311 or by email. Our e-mail format is firstname.lastname(at)terveystalo.com.
Riina-Riitta Helminen
Chief Administrative Medical Officer, Regulation and Authority Matters, Patient and Medication Safety
Silja Komulainen
Chief Medical Officer, Occupational and Public Health
Jukka Pitkänen
Chief Medical Officer, Healthcare Services
Antti-Jussi Ämmälä
Chief Medical Officer, Quality and Effectiveness
See vacancies (in Finnish)
Recruitment at Terveystalo
For more information on vacancies, please contact the contact persons indicated in the job vacancies.
Please note that we only process job applications received through the electronic recruitment system. Therefore, we advice you not to email your application.
Expert interviews and urgent media requests
Tel. +358 50 358 1170 (Mon-Fri from 9 am-4 pm)
Petra Gräsbeck
SVP, Communications and Public Affairs
Tel. +358 40 767 0867
Investor Relations
IR-email: investors@terveystalo.com
Liisa-Maija Seppänen
Investor Relations Manager
Tel. +358 50 314 4455
Kati Kaksonen
Vice President, IR & CR
Tel. +358 10 345 2034
Terveystalo clinics
To contact a clinic please contact our customer service.
Patient Ombudsman
Every health care unit has a Patient Ombudsman who provides patients with information about their rights and aims to promote those rights.
Contact information and instructions regarding Patient Ombudsman can be found here.
Data Protection Officer
Information about the processing of personal data at Terveystalo can be found in the Privacy Statements section. Information about requests related to patient information can be found in the Asiakkaalle section. If necessary, you can contact the Terveystalo Data Protection Officer in matters concerning the processing of personal data and the exercise of rights related to personal data at Terveystalo:
Please note that regular email should not be used for sending health information and other sensitive personal data (e.g., social security number). If necessary, you can request the use of the encrypted email service provided by Terveystalo.
Data Protection Officer
Suomen Terveystalo Oy Jaakonkatu 3 A, 6 krs, 00100 HELSINKI
Invoicing for private customers
Please add the invoice number to your query.
Tel. +358 (0)45 788 40 888 (8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.)
Invoicing for occupational healthcare services
Tel. +358 (0)900 30 020 (9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.)
Invoicing for the public sector
Tel. +358 (0)900 30 0424 (9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.)
Invoicing for dental health services
Tel. +358 (0)900 30 0424 (9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.)
Calls to numbers starting with 0900 cost 8.35 cents/call + 19.33 cents/minute + mobile call charge or local network charge. Queuing is subject to charge.
Terveystalo's invoicing address
We accept invoices primarily in electronic format:
OVT 003717065994 / Ropo Capital Oy
Purchase ledger
To become a supplier for Terveystalo, all suppliers must be registered in Terveystalos eSourcing-portal and accept upon registration the Terveystalo Supplier Code of Conduct. Suppliers must apply to the code in addition to all laws and regulations that relate to their business, when conducting business with Terveystalo. These requirements are an integral part of all contracts between the supplier and Terveystalo.
Erika Aallonvuori
Head of Procurement, Premises & Technology
Elina Saviharju
Senior Vice President, Legal